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Cyber Chef - Bake your data!

The cyber chef is a security tool which uses for encoding, decoding, encrypting and data analytics. It is available on GitHub (  and provides services from simple encoding process to complex encryption process. It was implemented for the British government as a  part of MI5 and MI6 project. However, now it can be used by both technical and non-technical personnel without the knowledge of algorithms. The cyber chef is a freely available web application that can be used online. The offline version is also available to download.

The cyber chef has some features to complete conversion tasks.
  1. Input – Where to paste or write text that wanted to convert. Up to 500mb file can be dragged to the input field.
  1. Output – Where converted text is displayed.
  1. Recipe – where tools used for converting are dragged and dropped.
  1. Operations – Contain all the operations. These operations covert input text into selected form and display in output filed.
  • Decode a base-64 encoded data
  • Encrypt data using different algorithms.
  • Extract particular data (domain name, IP addresses) from the given output.
  • Covert date and time to different time zone.
  • Convert the hexdump data and decompress it.
  • Encrypt and decrypt data.
  • Carry out different operations on data of different types
  • Perform AES decryption, extracting the IV from the beginning of the cipher stream
  • Automatically detect several layers of nested encoding

Since cyber chef has automatic bake option, the output is displayed after you drop the operation into the recipe area. Auto bake option can be disabled when a large size file is used for conversion. Moreover, the input text type can be identified by the tool. Hence magic operation attempts to identify various properties of the input data and suggests which operations could help to make more sense of it. There is a search and replace option to remove characters. Output results can be saved as a file, or copy to clipboard or send as an input to the input field in cyber chef. Each and every field in cyber chef has delete option too.

Cyber chef compatible for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft edge. It works for an entire client side and never send recipe configuration or input to the cyber chef web server. Even though Cyber chef provides us many built-in functions it is still in the developing process. There is testing and bug fixing process needs to be done and additional documentation and new features to be added. 


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