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Showing posts from April, 2019

Plain Blue screen - Kali Linux

When user login to the kali machine, the screen may look plain blue color without any application icon due to the Gnome corruption. To recover gnome with all previously installed packages restart the machine. Select advanced options for kali GNU /Linux Then select *Kali GNU/Linux, with Linux 4.15.0-Kali2-amd64 (recovery mode) When the terminal finish, loading the contents, type root password to log in. To recover the Gnome, Type below command in the root user terminal,       sudo dpkg --configure -a Finally, you can get your previous Kali Linux as it was.

Install Chrome in Kali Linux

Chrome is the most convenient search engine with multiple application. And it is compatible for customizable extension too. Therefore chrome is preferred as default browser by everyone. Hence here the few steps to install chrome in your Kali Linux machine. Open Terminal, first of all, repositories should be updated.   1.  sudo apt-get update Then download chrome .deb package. you can install it from your browser too. Here .deb package is installed using terminal commands.    2. wget   Run installed .deb file in order to install the chrome browser.     3. sudo  dpkg  -i  google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb  After installing the chrome into your kali machine now you can use it as your default browser.

Change Language in Google Account

When we create an email address, sometimes we do not consider the language preferences. Afterward, when we log in to a google account, context will be shown as unfamiliar. So we can change the language preferences of google account by following steps.  1.  Click on the Google profile and select google account 2.  Select data & personalization settings. 3. Scroll down and go to general preferences for the web. And click language. 4. If you need to change the default language, click on the pen sign. 5. If you want to add more languages, click on add other languages.

Cyber Chef - Bake your data!

The cyber chef is a security tool which uses for encoding, decoding, encrypting and data analytics. It is available on GitHub ( )  and provides services from simple encoding process to complex encryption process. It was implemented for the British government as a  part of MI5 and MI6 project. However, now it can be used by both technical and non-technical personnel without the knowledge of algorithms. The cyber chef is a freely available web application that can be used online. The offline version is also available to download. The cyber chef has some features to complete conversion tasks. Input –  Where to paste or write text that wanted to convert. Up to 500mb file can be dragged to the input field. Output – Where converted text is displayed. Recipe – where tools used for converting are dragged and dropped. Operations – Contain all the operations. These operations covert input text into selected form and display in ...